Red vs blue sound clips

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Here is a GREAT clip of Page live with Zep in 69, Dragon Tele the grey Vox wah and a MK II Tone Bender. These wah pedals have a real thin bright tone and a pretty narrow sweep but due to the circiut they seem to work pretty well in front of a fuzz pedal w/o a buffer! Page early on in Zep.he used on on LZI for sure, and only used that wah. The only real well known user of these wahs was Jimmy These early grey Vox wahs soun pretyt different than any wah thats come after them. They didn't have a chrome top and were painted grey. The earliest Vox wah were NOT Clyde McCoy wahs, they were just sold as the Vox Wah Wah pedal. Re: What's The Difference Between Yellow & Red Fasels?